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CogniFit 是一家領先的數字化醫療保健公司,致力於評估和改善認知健康。憑藉 18 種語言提供的服務,全球已有超過 400 萬人體驗了我們服務。 CogniFit 由Shlomo Breznitz教授創立 [1],此後與全球知名醫院和研究機構建立了策略合作夥伴關係 [2]。

我們努力保持大腦訓練的行業領導者的地位 - 被各大公司和科學界所使用。

此外,我們正在努力改善各種神經系統疾病(例如抑鬱症)的治療;腦霧候群;失眠; ADHD、MCI、癲癇等透過臨床驗證和漸進式措施的發展[4]。這些尖端產品中的每一款都是專為用戶的便利而量身定制的!


CogniFit 評估由一系列全面的任務組成。每個練習都經過精心挑選和分類,以測量基本的大腦功能。

CogniFit 評估和訓練的二十多种種認知能力經過精心挑選,代表了人類認知的完整圖像。這些評估功能中的每一個都基於數十萬個數據和分數,而平均人口統計則基於數千人的評估。許多獨立研究都驗證了 CogniFit 刺激認知能力一段時間後的改善 [4]。我們不斷與研究人員和科學界合作,確保最新的發現以嚴肅和專業的方式融入專案中。

針對研究人員和醫護保健專業人員的 CogniFit平台

CogniFit 為患者提供全面的認知篩檢。這些數據和結果對於醫護專業人員和研究人員來說具有很高的價值,因為它們代表了診斷的支持來源。

我們所有的產品都專注於透過規範的 CogniFit 評估,對所測量的認知能力進行詳盡的探索和仔細的訓練 [4]。這些測試是在過去十五年年裡精心設計和修改的,精心選擇了最好、最廣泛的文獻,並與以前現有的科學工具相結合。

適用於個人、家庭和學校的 CogniFit平台

CogniFit也針對個人、家庭和學校:透過使用不同的益智遊戲,你可以瞭解自己的認知狀態。由於資料庫和先進演算法的開發,CogniFit 了解每個人的特定認知狀態,並提供個人化的大腦訓練計劃。每個人都是獨一無二的,都應該接受適合其特定需求的訓練計畫。透過精確測量大腦功能的表現,CogniFit 能自動建立個人化的訓練計畫。所選任務及其難度等級會根據用戶的特定需求動態組合。


[1] Shlomo Breznitz教授曾任多個機構的教授,包括加州大學柏克萊分校、斯坦福大學、倫敦經濟學院以及美國衛生與公眾服務部國立衛生研究院。Shlomo Breznitz教授著有七本書和許多科學文章,是海法大學心理壓力研究中心的創始主任,他還擔任Davis夫人心理學教授、院長和大學校長。他廣受好評的DriveFit ™ 訓練計畫是 CogniFit 的第一個商業產品,獲得了英國Micheal王子道路安全獎。


Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems of the University of Washington, Seattle, USA ; The Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center for the Study of Learning Disabilities, University of Haifa, Israel ; Department of Neurology Albert Einstein College,Yeshiva University from NY, USA ;The Gerontology Misericordia University of Dallas, USA; The Department of Psychology of the University of New York in Prague, Austria; The Center for Psychobiological Research of the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Jezreel Valley, Israel; Carroll School, Massachusetts, USA; Department of Psychology at the Universidad Autonoma, Madrid, Spain



Wechsler, D. (1945). A standardized memory scale for clinical use. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 19(1), 87-95

Conners, C. K. (1989). Manual for Conners’ rating scales. North Tonawanda, NY: Multi-Health Systems.

Hooper, E. H. (1983). Hooper visual organization test (VOT).

Greenberg, L. M., Kindschi, C. L., & Corman, C. L. (1996). TOVA test of variables of attention: clinical guide. St. Paul, MN: TOVA Research Foundation.

Tombaugh, T. N. (1996). Test of memory malingering: TOMM. North Tonawanda, NY: Multi-Health Systems.

Wechsler, D (1945). A standardized memory scale for clinical use. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 19(1), 87-95.

Shallice, T (1982). Specific impairments of planning. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 298(1089), 199-209.

Asato, M. R., Sweeney, J. A., & Luna, B (2006). Cognitive processes in the development of TOL performance. Neuropsychologia, 44(12), 2259-2269.

Korkman, M., Kirk, U., & Kemp, S (1998). NEPSY: A developmental neuropsychological assessment. Psychological Corporation.

Korkman, M., Kirk, U., & Kemp, S (1998). Manual for the NEPSY. San Antonio, TX: Psychological corporation.

Stroop, J. R (1935). Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions. Journal of experimental psychology, 18(6), 643.

Heaton, R. K. (1981). A manual for the Wisconsin card sorting test. Western Psychological Services.

Tsotsos, L. E., Roggeveen, A. B., Sekuler, A. B., Vrkljan, B. H., & Bennett, P. J. (2010). The effects of practice in a useful field of view task on driving performance. Journal of Vision, 10(7), 152-152.

Crabb, D. P., Fitzke, F. W., Hitchings, R. A., & Viswanathan, A. C. (2004). A practical approach to measuring the visual field component of fitness to drive. British journal of ophthalmology, 88(9), 1191-1196.

Edwards, J. D., Vance, D. E., Wadley, V. G., Cissell, G. M., Roenker, D. L., & Ball, K. K. (2005). Reliability and validity of useful field of view test scores as administered by personal computer. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, 27(5), 529-543.


工作記憶、短期語音記憶、選擇性專注、分離專注:Preiss M, Shatil E, Cermáková R, Cimermanová D, Flesher I (2013) Personalized cognitive training in unipolar and bipolar disorder: a study of cognitive functioning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00108.

注意力、命名能力、短期記憶、視覺記憶、工作記憶:Haimov I, Shatil E (2013) Cognitive Training Improves Sleep Quality and Cognitive Function among Older Adults with Insomnia. PLOS ONE 8(4): e61390. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061390

手眼協調、視覺記憶、處理速度、視覺掃描,命名能力:Shatil E (2013). Does combined cognitive training and physical activity training enhance cognitive abilities more than either alone? A four-condition randomized controlled trial among healthy older adults. Front. Aging Neurosci. 5:8. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00008

視覺記憶,工作記憶,專注力,空間感知,視覺洞悉力:Peretz C, Korczyn AD, Shatil E, Aharonson V, Birnboim S, Giladi N. - Computer-Based, Personalized Cognitive Training versus Classical Computer Games: A Randomized Double-Blind Prospective Trial of Cognitive Stimulation - Neuroepidemiology 2011; 36:91-9.

短期記憶、視覺記憶、工作記憶:Shatil E, Metzer A, Horvitz O, Miller A. - Home-based personalized cognitive training in MS patients: A study of adherence and cognitive performance - NeuroRehabilitation 2010; 26:143-53.

專注力、辨認能力、分離專注、視覺洞悉力、短期視覺記憶、適應能力 Korczyn AD, Peretz C, Aharonson V, et al. - Computer based cognitive training with CogniFit improved cognitive performance above the effect of classic computer games: prospective, randomized, double blind intervention study in the elderly. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2007; 3(3):S171.

短期語音記憶、手眼協調、短期記憶、命名能力、適應能、空間感知、估計、視覺洞悉力:Korczyn AD, Peretz C, Aharonson V, et al. - Computer-based cognitive training with CogniFit improved cognitive performance above the effect of classic computer games: prospective, randomized, double-blind intervention study in the elderly. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2007; 3(3):S171.

處理速度: Verghese J, Mahoney J, Ambrose AF, Wang C, Holtzer R. - Effect of cognitive remediation on gait in sedentary seniors - J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010 Dec;65(12):1338-43.

工作記憶,反應時間:Horowitz-Kraus T, Breznitz Z. - Can the error detection mechanism benefit from training the working memory? A comparison between dyslexics and controls- an ERP study - PLOS ONE 2009; 4:7141.

視覺感知、反應時間、分離專注、估計、計劃、短期記憶:Haimov I, Hanuka E, Horowitz Y. - Chronic insomnia and cognitive functioning among older adults - Behavioural sleep medicine 2008; 6:32-54.

分離專注、計劃、空間感知、選擇性專注: Thompson HJ, Demiris G, Rue T, Shatil E, Wilamowska K, Zaslavsky O, Reeder B. - Telemedicine Journal and E-health Date and Volume: 2011 Dec;17(10,):794-800. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
