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Cognitive Abilities
Internal consistency
Test-retest reliability
Divided Attention
Width of Field of View
Hand-eye Coordination
Focused Attention
Visual Scanning
Phonological Short-term Memory
Contextual Memory
Visual Short-Term Memory
Short-Term Memory
Working Memory
Non-verbal Memory
Spatial Perception
Visual Perception
Auditory perception
Response Time
Processing Speed
Cognitive Assessment for Depression Research (CAB-DP)

Reliability analysis of the evaluation (Only in English)Download

Cognitive Assessment for Depression Research (CAB-DP)

Innovative neuropsychological assessment for depression that allows for a complete cognitive screening and assessment of the risk of suffering from this mood disorder.

Who is it for?

This product is not for sale. This product is for research purposes only. For more info see CogniFit Research Platform


Cognitive Assessment for Depression Research (CAB-DP)

You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.

Number of assessments*

* Assessment licenses can be used for any type of assessment


What is the CogniFit Depression Test?

What is the CogniFit Depression Test?

  • Evaluate the risk index for the presence of depression
  • For adults and seniors
  • Takes about 30-40 minutes to complete
  • Reliability analysis of the evaluation - Only in English Download

The Cognitive Assessment for Depression Patients (CAB-DP) from CogniFit is a professional test that uses clinical questions and tasks to quickly and accurately detect the presence of symptoms and altered cognitive processes affected by depression, which is one of the most common mood disorders.

This innovative and reliable depression test is a resource that makes it possible to take a complete cognitive screening and understand the user's cognitive strengths and weaknesses, as well as detect their risk index for depression. This psychometric test is designed for user's 16 and older, adults, and seniors that are at risk for depression.

The cognitive assessment will automatically generate a detailed cognitive report. The depression test usually takes about 30-40 minutes to complete.

A depression diagnosis requires a multi-disciplinary and exhaustive differential diagnosis in order to discard symptomology that may be better described by another mood disorder or disease.

Clinical consultations, questionnaires, and clinical evaluation scales are the most effective tools to diagnose depression, but they may not be enough to determine its degree. In order to better understand the severity of the alteration, an exhaustive assessment of mood disorders is necessary. Note that CogniFit does not directly offer a medical diagnosis for depression. We recommend using this online depression test to complement a professional diagnosis, and never as a replacement for a clinical consultation.

Phases of this Depression Test (CAB-DP)

Phases of this Depression Test (CAB-DP)

This Cognitive Assessment Battery for Depression is made up of a questionnaire and a series of neuropsychological tests. It takes about 30-40 minutes to complete.

Adolecents or adults at risk for depression can answer the questionnaire which will evaluate the clinical symptoms related to this disorder. After the questionnaire, a series of exercises and cognitive tasks will be presented as simple computer games.

Well-being Questionnaire

A series of simple questions to detect the main diagnostic criteria for depression (DSM-V) will appear on the screen. This questionnaire is an evaluation instrument adapted for depression.

Neuropsychological factors and cognitive profile

The CAB-DP will continue with a battery of tasks directed at evaluating the main neuropsychological factors identified in the scientific literature for this mood disorder. The results will be compared to other users of the same age and gender.

Complete results report

After completing the assessment to detect depression, CogniFit will generate a detailed report, where the user's risk index of having depression (low-moderate-high) will be presented and will allow you to understand the user's warning signs, cognitive profile, analysis of results, and recommendations. The results offer valuable information in order to allow you to identify the appropriate support strategies.

Psychometric Results

Psychometric Results

The Cognitive Assessment for Depression Patients (CAB-DP) from CogniFit uses patented algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze thousands of variables and inform you of any risk for depression, with very satisfactory psychometric results.

The neuropsychological cognitive profile has a high reliability, consistency, and stability. Transversal research designs, like the Chronbach Alpha coefficient, have been followed, reaching scores of about 0.9. The Test-Retest tests have receives scores of close to 1.0, showing the high level of reliability and accuracy.

See validation table

Who is it for?

Who is it for?

The Cognitive Assessment for Depression Patients (CAB-DP) can be applied to adults and seniors who are under suspicion of having a risk factor related to depression.

Any individual or professional user can easily use this neuropsychological depression assessment without any prior training or specialization. It is especially aimed at:

Individual users

Understand brain functions and cognitive strengths and weaknesses

CogniFit Depression Cognitive Assessment Battery allows the user to know the risk associated with this mood disorder, and the status of their cognitive profile. They will be able to explore their symptoms and know which cognitive abilities are more or less related to depression.

Healthcare professionals

Accurately evaluate patients and offer a complete, detailed report

The neuropsychological assessment battery for depression from CogniFit helps healthcare professionals detect, diagnose, and intervene in depression. Detecting the symptoms and cognitive alterations in depression is the first step in identifying this mood disorder and creating an appropriate neuropsychological intervention. With this powerful software, you'll be able to study multiple variables and offer personalized reports.

Families or individual users

Identify if your loved-ones present a risk of cognitive decline related to depression

The Cognitive Assessment Battery for Depression is a resource made of a questionnaire with simple, online tests. This makes it possible for any user without specialized training to evaluate the different symptoms and neuropsychological factors identified in depression. The complete system of results makes it possible to identify the risk of having one of the cognitive disorders related to this mood disorder, and outlines recommendations and guidelines for each user.


Measures the cognitive abilities of study participants

With CogniFit's Cognitive Assessment for Depression Patients (CAB-DP), researchers will have the ability to rigorously and comfortably measure the depression-related cognitive abilities of participants in a scientific study



Using this online tool used to easily evaluate the symptoms, strengths, and weaknesses of the cognitive processes affected by depression offer multiple advantages:


The Cognitive Assessment for Depression Patients (CAB-DP) from CogniFit is a professional resource designed by mood disorder specialists. The cognitive tests have been patented. This leading instrument is used by the scientific community, universities, associations and foundations, and medical centers around the world.


Any professional or individual user (healthcare professional, family, etc.) can personally use this neuropsychological assessment battery for depression without any background in neuropsychology or technology services. The interactive format makes it easy and fun to use.


All of the tasks are presented automatically and are designed to be entertaining and interactive in order to make them easy to understand and improve comprehension.


The Cognitive Assessment for Depression Patients (CAB-DP) offers quick and reliable feedback, providing a useful analysis of the user's results. This report relays information that makes it possible to recognize the clinical symptoms, strengths and weaknesses, and risk index of each user.


This powerful software analyzes more than a thousand variables with this reliable depression test, and offers specific and personalized recommendations depending on the deterioration and needs of each user.

Who should use this depression test?

Who should use this depression test?

With this cognitive assessment, it's possible to reliably detect the symptoms and cognitive deterioration related to depression in adults and seniors.

An early detection can allow you to implement the appropriate intervention program and avoid further deterioration.

Without an early detection, someone with depression may notice that the mood disorder affects their daily life, affecting social or professional relationships.

Depression may cause generalized deterioration in academic, social, professional, and personal areas. It can be mainly divided into:

Most representative symptoms
Emotional symptoms
Physical symptoms
Cognitive symptoms
Associated symptoms

Emotional symptoms

Sadness, lack of interest, or hopelessness are some of the main emotional symptoms in depressive disorders. Dopamine and serotonin are the main neurotransmitters responsible for regulating emotional state. Different studies have shown that a reduced dopaminergic and serotonergic activity may be related to depression, causing depressive symptoms like sadness or apathy.

Physical symptoms

Depressive disorders are related to a chemical imbalance of neurotransmitters. Some physical sensations may manifest during depression, like fatigue, headache, muscle pain, loss of appetite, or sleep problems. If you detect any of these problems, you may want to take the depression test (CAB-DP).

Cognitive symptoms

Depression is related to a series of cognitive deficits that, apart from negatively affecting the person's daily life, contributes to a magnified or prolonged duration of this mood disorder. Scientific literature consistently shows that people with depression have more trouble with attention and cognitive flexibility, along with other abilities.

Associated symptoms

A series of associated symptoms, like irritability, crying, substance abuse, or weight changes are common in depressive disorders. These associated symptoms are important in detecting depression, and are related to some of the symptoms that we mentioned before.





Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire

Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire

Depression is characterized by a series of clinical signs and symptoms. These indicators can help you understand whether or not someone may have this mood disorder. This is why the first step of the depression assessment is a questionnaire to detect the main diagnostic criteria and symptoms of depression for each age range.

The questions presented in the questionnaire are similar to those that may be found in a diagnostic manual, clinical questionnaire, or scales for depression. However, they have been simplified in order to be easily understood by almost any user.

Diagnostic criteria of depression for adults and seniors

Made of a series of easy-to-answer questions that should be completed by the professional in charge or by the person taking the assessment. The questionnaire collects information from the following areas: Emotional symptoms (sadness, guilt, hopelessness, etc.), Physical symptoms (fatigue, muscle pain, sleep problems, etc.), and Associated symptoms (irritability, weight change, substance abuse, etc.).

What cognitive skills are assessed with this Depression test?

What cognitive skills are assessed with this Depression test?

The presence of alterations in some cognitive skills may be an indicator of depression. A general profile of the cognitive skills may indicate how severe the cognitive alteration cause by the disorder is.

Evaluated Cognitive Domains
Cognitive Abilities


Ability to filter distractions and focus on relevant information.


8.4% above average

Divided Attention

Divided attention can be defined as the ability of our brain to attend to different stimuli or tasks at the same time, and thus, respond to the multiple demands of the environment. Divided attention not only appears to be related to depression, but also appears to be a good predictor of response to treatment, remission of symptoms, and risk of relapse. The deterioration of divided attention capacity can be explained either by the reduction of attention resources or by the deterioration of activation and/or declining control of attention resources by the central executive.

506Your Score


Focused Attention

Focused attention and Depression. Focused attention is the ability to focus attention on a target stimuli, regardless of how long it lasts. People with depression often have trouble paying attention to relevant and appropriate stimuli and events in a situation, focusing on more negative events and thoughts.

653Your Score



Inhibition and Depression. Inhibition is the ability to control automatic responses and generate thoughtful and measures responses by using attention and reasoning. People with depression often have trouble inhibiting negative thoughts, and, at the same time, present excessive inhibition which causes them to block their behavior.

595Your Score



Updating and Depression. Updating is the ability to oversee a behavior that is being carried out in order to ensure that it is being done according to the action plan. People with this disorder may have cognitive problems when it comes to supervising their own behavior, often overthinking and thinking the worst of what they are doing.

573Your Score



Ability to retain or manipulate new information and recover memories from the past.


7.5% above average

Short-Term Memory

Short-term memory and Depression. Short-term memory is the ability to remember a small amount of information over a short period of time. The unbalance in the neurotransmitters and neurofunctional changes, like the reduction of the volume of the hippocampus, may be the cause behind why people with depression experience problems with this type of memory.

678Your Score


Working Memory

Working memory and Depression. Working memory is the ability to retain and use the information necessary to complete complex cognitive tasks, like language comprehension, learning, and reasoning. Studies have shown that people with depression consistently show a difficulty when it comes to effectively carrying out tasks that require working memory.

576Your Score



Ability to efficiently carry-out precise and organized movements.


8.2% above average

Hand-eye Coordination

Hand-eye coordination and Depression. Hand-eye coordination is the ability that makes it possible to efficiently carry out motor tasks that require visual feedback. When this skill is altered, as it often in by depression, a certain degree of clumsiness and lack of motor control is common. Some studies show that, in patients with depression, this alteration in hand-eye coordination can be caused by a lack of dopamine.

746Your Score


Response Time

Reaction time and Depression. Reaction time refers to the time between when we perceive something to when we respond to the stimulus. People with depression often present poor reaction time.

749Your Score



Ability to interpret the stimuli from one's surroundings.


8.2% above average

Spatial Perception

Spatial perception and Depression. Spatial perception is the human ability to position oneself with respect to the world and spatially interpret the objects around them. It is not uncommon for people with depression to suffer from certain spatial and temporal disorientation.

451Your Score


Visual Perception

Visual perception and Depression. Visual perception is the ability interpret the information that our eyes receive from the environment. It is common for people with depression to have alterations in their visual perception, which can, in extreme cases, lead to difficulties when differentiating between black and white.

748Your Score



Ability to efficiently use (organize, relate, etc.) acquired information.


7.9% above average


Planning ability and Depression. Planning is the ability to mentally organize the best way to achieve a future goal. People with depression generally present alterations in planning, which may cause problems when structuring thoughts and plans.

699Your Score


Processing Speed

Processing speed and Depression. Processing speed is the time that it takes someone to carry out a mental task. Patients with depressive disorders often suffer both physical and mental delays, presenting as slowed thought processes.

503Your Score



Shifting and Depression. Shifting is the brain's ability to adapt behaviors and thoughts to new, changing, or unexpected circumstances. It is common in people with depression to have trouble controlling and adapting negative thoughts, or thoughts of hopelessness or guilt, resulting in intrusive thoughts.

486Your Score


Evaluation tasks

Our Digital Cognitive Assessments

CogniFit digital tests are designed to measure a specific areas of cognition and are grouped together to form customized batteries based on the unique requirements of the study design and population. Learn more about our different tests and how they can support the unique needs of your study by exploring the details and demos below.

Tapping Test

The Speed Test REST-HECOOR exercise was inspired by the classic test of Fingertip tapping from the assessment battery NEPSY (Korkman et al., 1998). The test-taker is required to keep on clicking for 10 seconds and as rapidly as possible with the mouse, or finger if using a touch-screen device, in a defined area on the screen. Data is collected as the number of clicks during the allocated time, number of clicks inside the defined area and number of clicks outside it.

Psychomotor Vigilance Test

The Resolution Test REST-SPER was inspired by the classic paradigms Go/No Go Task (Gordon & Caramazza, 1982), Continuous Performance Test (Conners, 1989; Epstein et al., 2001), and the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (Dinges & Powell, 1985). The test-taker is required to rapidly press on circles which appear on the screen and to ignore hexagons should they also appear. Embedded in the task are 16 circles-only items and 8 circles-and-hexagons items. For each item data is collected on response time, response accuracy and cursor distance from target center.

Visual Working Memory Span Test

The Concentration Test VISMEM-PLAN took as a reference the Corsi block-tapping test (Corsi, 1972; Kessels et al., 2000; Wechsler, 1945). In the first part of the task, some circles, within a fixed array of circles, light up. The test-taker is required to memorize which circles, within the array, have lit up and then try to reproduce the sequence in the right order. In the second part of the task, a delay of 4 secs is added between the first screen and the playback screen, in order to increase the time the user must retain the information.

Eye-Hand Coordination Test Fixed Trajectory and Predictable Direction

The Synchronization Test UPDA-SHIF is based on the Vienna Test System (VST) (Whiteside, 2002). In this task the test-taker is required to carefully and precisely track a ball which moves along a path. The distance in pixels between the center of the ball and the cursor moved by the user is considered to calculate the accuracy score.

Multimodal Lexical Memory Test

The Identification Test COM-NAM is based on the Boston Naming Test (Kaplan et al., 1983) and by the vocabulary test from the WAIS-III (Wechsler, 1997). For each object shown, the test-taker must choose from three possibilities: 1) the item is presented for the first time in the task or 2) the last time it appeared the item was spoken or 3) the last time it appeared the item was presented as a picture.

Digit Span Test

The Sequencing Test WOM-ASM is based on the classic direct and indirect digit test of the WAIS-III (Wechsler, 1997). The test-taker is required to remember and reproduce increasingly longer number sequences, which appear, each in its turn, on the screen. The task will begin with a two- -number sequence.

Lexical Memory Test

The Inquiry Test REST-COM took as a reference the classic Boston Naming Test (Kaplan et al., 1983), the vocabulary test from WAIS-III (Wechsler, 1997), the Test of Variables of Attention (Greenberg et al., 1996), and the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (Schmidt, 1994). A series of objects are shown. In a new series of objects, the test-taker must then recognize only those objects that were previously displayed. This new series could be presented as images or as spoken words.

Stroop Test

The Equivalencies Test INH-REST was based on the classic Stroop test (Stroop, 1935). The test-taker is asked to press on the spacebar (go action) only if the color names on the screen are printed in the matching color and to refrain from pressing (no-go) if the color of the letters does not match the printed color name.

Divided Attention Test

The Simultaneity Test DIAT-SHIF stems from the classic Stroop test (Stroop, 1935), the Vienna Test System (Whiteside, 2002), and the Test of Variables of Attention (Greenberg et al., 1996). The test-taker is required to accurately follow a ball moving and turning in all directions on the screen while, at the same time, performing a variant of the Stroop test.

Depression and the Brain

Depression and the Brain

Emotional, behavioral, and cognitive problems related to depression are caused by various brain alterations. The main areas affected by depression are the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex, which are closely related to each other.

1 Limbic System

The limbic system is made up of a set of brain structures in charge, in large part, of identifying and controlling emotions. The structures in the limbic system that seem to be altered by depression are the hippocampus, the amygdala, the basal ganglia, and cingulate cortex, and the hypothalamus. Some studies have shown that people with depression have a reduced volume in the hippocampus, which may explain some of the cognitive problems associated with this disorder.

2 Prefrontal Cortex

The prefrontal cortex is in the frontmost part of the brain and is in charge of superior functions, like planning and other executive functions. It's been shown that there is a significant affectation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and in the orbitofrontal prefrontal cortex. The dorsolateral cortex is related to initiative, fluidity, inhibition, shifting, self-regulation, planning, and decision making, all of which are skills that are often altered in people with depression. The orbitofrontal cortex, which is mainly related to social behavior and personality, is also often reduced in volume in people with depression.

3 Locus Coeruleus

Low Noradrenaline: Depression causes this neurotransmitter to decrease, which is closely related to initiative, fluidity, inhibition, cognitive shifting, self-control, planning, decision making, and attention, which are skills commonly altered in Depression.

4 Raphe Nuclei

Decrease in Serotonin: Serotonin plays an important role in positive or negative moods. When serotonin levels are low, so are feelings of happiness. It is also related to digestion, body temperature, and sleep.

5 Hippocampus

The hippocampus is the cerebral epicenter of memory. It has been shown that patients who have had depression for years had a smaller and narrower hippocampus, which largely affects all of the cognitive abilities related to memory.

Customer Service

Customer Service

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