Meet A Friend

We think, therefore we know our friends. Life would be lonely without the cognitive skills that allow us to meet and greet one another.
Using your Visual Perception assures you that you have definitely met this person before.
Memory allows you to react quickly to sudden and unexpected events on the road.
Naming enables you to attaching a name to the person you're greeting.
Spatial Perception allows you to walk toward your friend without bumping into someone else or stepping on anyone's new shoes.
Using your Hand-eye Coordination, you are able to reach out to your friend's hand, grasp it and shake it.
Inhibition makes it possible for you to block out the surrounding noise and visual distractions so you can have a conversation.
Working Memory gives you the ability to make conversation, follow what your friend is saying, respond to the ideas and opinions he expresses, and decide not to argue with him even though he's never been right about anything for as long as you can remember.