Brain Game: Synaptix
Cognitive training mind game
Play "Synaptix" online and help boost your cognitive skills
Have fun with this brain training resource
Stimulate your visual perception with this game
Synaptix is a great way to challenge your visual perception, updating, planning and working memory. The main objective is to press the neurons to turn them the same color. By changing one, the others connected to it will change as well.
This game has been designed to stimulate our visual perception and updating. It is suitable for all ages and its design makes it especially attractive for children 7 years old and up. Synaptix is the perfect game to stimulate the mind and help strengthen cognitive skills.
Mind games like CogniFit's Synaptixs allow us to train our working memory skill and help stimulate cognitive abilities through neuroplasticity.

The aim of the game is to turn all the neurons the same color.

As you level up, special neurons will appear.

At higher levels, you will have a target color and a limited number of steps.
Why are games like "Synaptix" so popular? - History
Synaptix was inspired by the Shannon switching game invented by Claude Shannon. It is a connection game where the players take turns coloring the edges of an arbitrary graph. One player has the goal of connecting two distinguished vertices by a path of edges of their color.
CogniFit neuropsychologists took this game and wanted to give it a boost to help train different cognitive skills. So they added neurons to the graph and complicated the game play to keep the user challenged and entertained.
How does the "Synaptix" mind game improve my cognitive skills?
Repeatedly playing and consistently training with CogniFit's Synaptix stimulates a specific neural activation pattern. This pattern helps neural circuits reorganize and recover weakened or damaged cognitive functions.
The Synaptix game seeks to stimulate skills related to planning. Consistently stimulating these skills can help neural circuits reorganize and improve cognitive functions as well as create new synapses.
What happens when I don't train my cognitive abilities?
If a cognitive skill is not normally used, the brain does not provide resources for that neuronal activation pattern, so it becomes weaker and weaker. If we do not train that cognitive function, we become less efficient in our day-to-day activities.